Tag Archive | Pets

Do’s and Don’ts

After a long hiatus, I am back. Finals are over and summer has started! Does that me more free time and fun? Not necessarily. Ive actually worked the past five days, organized a picnic (that will be happening in a few hours) and I have my first meeting about summer research this afternoon.

To start my transition into the blogging world again after a whole week and some change away….I am reblogging. I know I am being lazy….but this is worthy to share! (I feel the same way they talk about in this article…) THANKS DOGSTER!

You Date Me, You Date My Dog: Finding Love as a Dog Owner

A woman finds her dogs often have something to say, loudly, about whom she dates. Can dating sites that match up pet lovers help?

Kelly Pulley  |  May 9th 2012  |

It was a night with a full moon, and I should have known something would go awry. I had met up with a male friend for dinner, my first foray into dating since separating from my husband a year ago. Granted, I hadn’t finished filing my divorce papers, and perhaps my Pit Bulls somehow sensed my impropriety, but when Matt came inside my house to meet the dogs, all hell broke loose.

Other folks with Pit Bulls will understand when I say that Hudson and Falstaff were like charging elephants, with Matt as their target. Falstaff was a mix of kisses and loud barking, while Hudson slid into Matt, heavily bruising his knee, and then retreated to the rear to bark and look tough.

Pit Bulls’ reputation unfairly precedes them.

Granted, I could have made this introduction less painful, especially for my date’s knee, but then Matt wouldn’t really see the wonderful (I think it’s wonderful) chaos that is my world. As it was, this greeting was enough to scare off this man who went skydiving last year, his baseball cap flying off and forgotten as he scrambled through the door.

You’d be surprised at how meeting my Pit Bulls affects people, especially when they are prospective suitors. I feel sorry for any guy who has to face my canine committee, which helps sort out the losers from the keepers. I’m upfront about owning dogs and specifically pitties, but most people don’t really know what that entails. And guys (not to discriminate here) tend to think they can handle a Pit Bull with no problem, but don’t take into account the dog’s strength and protective qualities.

Other dates have ended less dramatically, but in the end, my dogs have only approved of one guy. Jake calmly ignored Hudson’s protests and Falstaff’s attempts to trip him by rolling onto his back into his path every few feet. They were both stunned when Jake sat down on the deck steps with a book and continued to ignore them further. Falstaff was forced to pull out his best tricks, such as almost standing on his head, and Hudson just looked dismayed. Sure enough, they both ended up liking this guy. I guess that’s playing hard to get.

Couple on bench by Shutterstock.com

But it’s also more than that: Dogs have great instincts about who people really are. They are naturally discerning. Jake was a dog person, so I imagine he smelled like his dog (a big hound) and that he gave off signals that he loved dogs. Matt was not a dog person. In fact, I realized later that he never talked about dogs. That’s a bad sign.

I’ve learned that, for dog lovers, the first question when you contact a potential significant other should be “Do you like dogs?” Then ramp it up and ask: “Do you love dogs?” Then: “Do you LOVE dogs?” Be persistent. If your would-be suitor can’t meet your dogs for whatever reason, test his reactions by stopping to pet a dog when you’re out, or sending an article about dogs and asking for feedback.

Before I even brought home any dates, I lost some potential connections because the guys weren’t dog-centric. I don’t mean they weren’t “dog-friendly.” I mean they weren’t “It’s okay that I let my dogs sleep in my bed and don’t go on long trips because I can’t be away from them.” Their world has to be focused on dogs, like mine is.

One guy was comfortable with little dogs, but upon hearing about Falstaff’s muscle-y 82 pounds, he flinched, and we never drank coffee together again. Some of my dates never happened at all because the guy was a) afraid of dogs, b) he had allergies and assumed the dog would make them worse, or c) he didn’t want to be expected to help take care of them. Also, one guy was so fussy that the thought of dog hair on his clothes was reprehensible. (Imagine if I had him over for dinner and he found a dog hair in it!)

Couple and dogs by Shutterstock.com

I was enthusiastic, however, when I found out about sites such as Pet People Meet and Must Love Pets, which attempt to match dog people with dog people — a sort of eHarmony plus pets. These dating services are meant to ensure that once you actually meet the other participant, he won’t run screaming from the house with a dog stuck to his leg.

I signed up for Pet People Meet and immediately got some flirt messages. Woo-hoo! My profile was viewed nine times, though that’s not necessarily a good thing, since at least four of those views didn’t try to connect. (Maybe I need to change my photo.) It’s free to get your ego stroked, but there’s a fee to actually meet, and no guarantee that the hunky guy with the big mutt you see online is real.

After the few dates I’ve had since my husband broke it off, I’ve realized just how sensitive I am. Dating can make anyone vulnerable, though, and I’m glad my dogs have helped me sort out the losers from the keepers. I wonder what they’d think about a double date with a guy and his pooch?

Dogster readers, let me know what you think! Have you found dating is easier or harder because of your love of dogs? Has your dog ever “told” you that a potential partner was a loser and turned out to be right, or hass he sniffed out the keepers? Leave a comment below.

Photos via Shutterstock: Pit bulldog with happy couple

For the love of animals

“Los animales son buenos amigos, no hacen preguntas y tampoco critican.”~ George Elliot

(Translation: Animals are great friends, they dont ask  questions, and rarely criticize)

Hello! Good Morning!

This weekend was both hectic and relaxing. Friday evening, directly after work I set off to travel to Richmond. Didn’t do much when I arrived (it was around 10) and hit the sack early. The next morning I got up, and got to see My sister and my niece before they headed out on a Trip to Disney (which I am very sad I am not going on). I had a hair appt, and then met up with my friend to try on bridesmaids dresses. I barely got in home in time to rush back out the door and go to dinner with Dad and nanny. We had some delicious Italian from Angelo’s.  Later in the evening, Dad and I went to see Underworld Awakening:

What can I say? I am a sucker for kick-ass females, vampires, and werewolves..

Anyways ….

In the animal world:

You may recall a post about Soldiers and dogs ( see A way to Heal). Well folks, (My country accent is coming out eeks!) I am proud to tell you, that other rescue groups have stepped up to help reunite Soldiers and the four legged companions that helped them when on tour. I do warn you that although these stories have happy endings, they did not always have happy beginnings (that would be for you cous)

Meet Willie. Willie has a Facebook page, or rather is part of a facebook page for Puppy Rescue Mission.  This is part of his story as told by a soldier who found him,

“The locals here some how got ahold of him when he was still young, and took him. They didn’t treat him well, and even cut his ears off. The poor guy came running back to base looking for help ears bleeding. The entry control point called up on the radio saying that Willie had returned to base and was bleeding pretty bad. Me and the medics wrapped him up and nursed him back to health. I think he eats better then most of us, since we all tend to give him food when ever we eat. He mostly sleeps with me, however the whole base loves him, and he tends to sleep around with who ever calls his name first haha. To be continued …”

I guess it would be good to point out at this time, although the stray crisis is large in America, it is nothing compared to other countries in the world like Afghanistan, a country were strays are tortured, abuses, maimed, and stoned on a  regular basis.

Willie was on of those unlucky strays, but fortunately for him he was found by the American soldiers. And he is in the works of being sent to America to live his life with the soldier that rescued him.

Another Happy ending goes to Trigger:

Trigger didn’t have as rough as a start as little Willie, but nonetheless his life wasn’t easy. But lucky for him, he is in America! Reunited with his Soldier owner, and happy as can be.

These are only two small examples of what people will do for the love of an animal. There are more extreme cases….

One extreme case (In which I will not go into details) is in a domestic violence case. The Rose Brooks Center is dedicated to helping women and children in case of domestic violence. In the past, there were many cases in which women would not seek the help they needed in fear of leaving their beloved pets behind. Susan Miller, CEO of Rose  Brooks said this in light of the situation, “Over the years, our crisis hotline has received countless calls from women who desire to leave their abuser, but ultimately decide to remain in their dangerous home because they fear their abuser will injure or even kill their beloved dog or cat.”  However one dog recently changed the no pet policy that the Rose Brooks Center had. The names will not be released, but a Great Dane, was the breed of the dog that cause the changes. It wasn’t just a simple matter of the owner not wanting to leave her dog behind, this Great Dane was a hero. During an attack, the Great Dane interceded and shielded it’s owner from the blows of a hammer. The dog saved it’s human, and inspired the Rose Brooks Center to Change its pet policy. Why? Because of the love of an animal.

We may take them for granted sometimes, but there is no doubt in my mind, if and when the time should arise, a loved will truly always be there should their owner need them.

Have a Happy Monday! Especially if you got snow! Enjoy the Winter Weather!